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컨퍼런스 영어 발표시 유용한 표현

1. 연제의 구두발표 때 사용하는 유용한 영어표현

-       Thank you (Mr. Chairman). Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Today, I’d like to talk about our clinical experience with polyurethane stents in the treatment of complete obstruction of the lacrimal system.

-       May I have the first slide please? ‘

-       Could we move on to the next slide, please?

-       Could you dim the lights please?

-       First, let’s start with this slide.

-       Let me start with an overview.

-       What I’m going to do now is to start with an overview.

-       Can you go back to the previous slide on the right?

-       Could we go back to the previous slide on the right?

-       Could we please have the video turned off, and the slide projector turned on?

-       Can everybody hear me? (I want to check whether people in the back can hear me.)

-       Is the microphone on?

-       Could you turn on the microphone please?

-       Can all of you see the slide clearly?

-       Our recommendation again is to provide good anesthesia.

-       My topic is divided into 3 sections.

-       Our study population consisted of 59 patients.

-       This 60-year-old man presented with urinary retention which he had for 5 months despite medical therapy. He also had a history of hypertension.

-       After stent placement, the patient remained asymptomatic.

-       Follow-up studies are shown here.

-       What’s your guess?

-       Even in experienced hands, this step can be problematic.

-       The question is why this happened.

-       This is a lateral view before stent placement.

-       Here is a before and after example of the procedure.

-       How many ophthalmologists are here today?

-       In terms of results, we are quite encouraged.

-       As you can see, the long-term results are quite good.

-       What we found with this is.

-       Since I am running out of time, I’ll skip a couple of slides.

-       Since I am running out of time, I will go through the remaining slides quickly.

-       That is our treatment strategy.

-       What’s important here is that, good technique should be emphasized.

-       In conclusion, coleretal metallic stent placement can provide a useful option to avoid colostomy, by facilitating safer single-stage surgery.


2. 발표자와 회사의 관계를 설명하는 영어표현

-       I will discuss off label use of a device. ]

-       I have nothing to disclose financially.

-       I am an owner of the patent.

-       I have a grant from Company A.

-       I am a consultant for Company A.

-       I am a shareholder in Company A.

-       This study is partly supported by Company A.

-       I am a member of the Board of Company A.

-       He has disclosed a relationship with a product of Company A. He will discuss products which are off label.


3. 질문을 하거나 받을 때

-       Excuse me, would you please use the microphone (Speak directly into the microphone)?

-       Would you please repeat the question a little louder for the people seated in the back of the room?

-       Let me repeat the question for the audience.

-       I am sorry, I did not understand your question, can you please rephrase your question?

-       I can’t hear your question. Could you stand a little bit closer to the microphone?

-       I’m having problems understanding what you mean. Could you perhaps rephrase the question?

-       I’m sorry I could not follow your question. Can you please repeat it more slowly?

-       Mr. Chairman, if you understood the question would you please repeat it for me?

-       I’m not sure how to answer that question exactly.

-       Did I answer your question (sufficiently)? (I hope I answered your question.)

-       I’m sorry I can’t fully answer that question (It’s hard to answer that question fully).

-       I can’t adequately answer that question (It’s hard to answer that question properly).

-       I’m not sure how to fully answer that question (exactly).

-       Let me answer the first part of your question.

-       We don’t have much experience in that area.

-       Thank you (for your comments). I completely agree with your opinion.

-       I’m not sure about that. Let me check on it.

-       Let me get back to you on that.

-       This is all that I can say in my reply to that question (This is my point of view). Bu there could be a better answer. It there anyone who has another possible explanations?

-       I think either way is acceptable.

-       We’re carrying out an experimental study to look at that.

-       That’s exactly what we are interested in now.

-       We’re considering that possibility.

-       We are eager to know about that, but we haven’t encountered such a case yet.

-       We didn’t know of that possibility until the very end of the study.

-       I think everybody wants to ask about that.

-       That’s a good point and another possibility.

-       I don’t have much experience.

-       In our experience, it was not possible.

-       How long do you keep the balloon inflated for tibial angioplasty?

-       Before I start, let me ask the audience a question. How many of you here have performed balloon dilation? Please hold up your hands.

-       Can you explain the individual roles of the radiologist and urologist during this procedure?

-       Why did you need tow stents?

-       How is she doing clinically?

-       What are your definitions of recurrence?

-       What’s your philosophy regarding repeat procedures?

-       Our recommendation again is to carefully select your first case.

-       What was the complication rate associated with the larger G needle?

-       From the current perspective, some aspects of past treatments look ridiculous. For the same reason, some aspects of present treatments might look ridiculous in the future.

-       Whose responsibility is it to make such decisions?

-       What’s your follow-up modality?

-       How many patients were lost on follow-up?

-       What were the inclusion criteria?

-       What were the exclusion criteria?

-       I don’t like to pretend that I know about peripheral stents.

-       They are like apples and oranges –not really comparable.

-       We are not out of the tunnel yet.

-       The success rate is low, but remember there is no alternative treatment.

-       It is beyond the scope of this paper to discuss the details of the procedure.

-       Thank you for asking such a good question. However, the answer is beyond my expertise.

-       Unfortunately, that is question that I do not know the answer to. If you give me your contact information, I would be happy to find the answer for you.


4. 연제 좌장에 유용한 영어표현

4. 1 소개

-       Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this scientific session. This is scientific session number 6. The session topic this afternoon is hepatobiliary disease.

-       My name is Dr. Song from Asan Medical Center, Seoul Korea.

-       My Co-chairman is Dr. Barron from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, USA.

-       We have many excellent papers this afternoon and I would like to start immediately by inviting the presenter of the first paper to speak. The title of the first paper is approaches to intervention.

-       The paper will be given by Dr. Klaus from Oachen, Germany.


4. 2 첫 발표 후 다음 발표까지

-       Thank you Dr. Klaus for your interesting paper.

-       I would like to invite questions from the audience. Please wait for a microphone and give your name, city and country before your question. Are there any more questions? If not, I have q question for Dr. Klaus.

-       Thank you Dr. Klaus.

-       The second paper is entitled, “New stents for biliary use” and will be give by Dr. Michelle.


4. 3 발표시간을 초과하는 발표자에게

-       I am sorry Dr. Michelle. Your time is up. Please quickly summarize your findings.

-       Dr. Michelle, you must stop now.

-       There is unfortunately no time for questions, I would like to ask our next speakers to come to the podium.


4. 4 좌장 넘기기

-       I would now like to hand over moderation of this session to my Co-chairman.


4. 5 좌장 끝내기

If there are no more questions, that brings us to the end of this Scientific Session number 6. I hope you will agree that we have had some excellent presentation and I would like to thank all the speakers and their co-authors for presenting their work to us today. May I also thank everyone who has attended and contributed to this session? Good afternoon and enjoy the rest of the meeting.


4. 6 연제의 좌장진행 1례 소개

Could everyone take a seat, please? We are ready to start. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the scientific session on Vascular interventions AVM and Experimental. I am Ho-Young Song from Asan Medical Center, Seoul Korea and will be Chairman for this session. Serving with me as a Co-chairman is Dr. A, Professor of the Medical University of A. We have 10 papers. Each presentation will be limited to 12 minutes including 3 minutes of discussion. Please try to keep to your time limit. I will chair the first five papers and Profession A will chair the second five.

I’d like to call on our first speaker, Dr. B from Hospital A, in New York City, to talk about “Long-term Follow-up of Embolization of High-Flow Pelvic Arteriovesnous Malformations.” Are there any questions or comments from Dr. B? When you ask a question, please speak clearly into a microphone, and state your name, affiliation, city, and country.

-       What size of stent did you use for the 10-week old infant?

-       Four of 40 patients underwent surgical revision. What kind of surgical revision did they have? Was the surgical revision more difficult because of the placed stent?

-       What do you think about using covered metallic stents in the treatment of benign tracheobronchial disease?

-       How did you keep the airway open or patent during tracheal stent placement?

-       Do you perform balloon dilation for benign tracheobronchial disease before stent placement?

The next paper will be No. 208 by Dr. C from Ambroise Hospital in Paris. His topic is “Embolization of Localized Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Adults.” Any questions from the audience? (We have time for one question. If there are no further questions, let’s move on to the next paper.)

-       Were myocarditis and ischemic myocardial injury confirmed in all patients?

-       40% of group B showed subendocardial sparing of hyperintensity on delayed MRI after GD-DTPA injection, but the other 60% did not. What’s the mechanism of sparing of hyperintensity on delayed MRI?

-       What dosage of GD-DTPA do you use?


I think we’d better move on to the next paper. The next paper is “Embolization of Peripheral Vascular Malformations with Ethylene Vinyl Alcohol Copolymer (Onyx)” presented by Dr. D from Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey. Off-Label use of a device will be discussed.

-       When you place a second stent for the case of stent migration, do you use the same size stent or larger one?

-       There have been some reports describing disruption of the polyurethane membrane. Did you note this in your cases (Did disruption occur in any of your cases)?

-       Was there no mucosal overgrowth even after 6 months?


Now, we have Dr. E from Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee for abstract No. 210. His title is “Absolute Ethanol Sclerosis for Symptomatic Venous Malformations.”

-       Do I understand that the complication rate associated with the large-bore access is not higher than that associated with small-bore?

-       Do you give general anesthesia?

-       Do you use prophylactic antibiotics?


Now, I’d like to call on Dr. F from the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto to present their experience with “Sclerotherapy of Venous Malformations: Retrospective Analysis of EtOH and Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate.” Are there any questions or comments for Dr. F?

-       What amount of TGF a day is released?

-       Is there any specific method to prevent the initial outburst?


I’d like to congratulate all the presenters on the excellent work. I hope all of you enjoyed this free paper session. I will close this session with my thanks to Dr. A and thanks to you all for your participation and contribution.


4. 7 기타

-       I would like to call this meeting to order.

-       There are some seats available in front, please come forward and be seated.

-       The schedule is rather tight, so may I ask the speakers to keep to the allotted time so that we have an opportunity for discussion. So, it is important to keep to schedule so that we can complete this session on time. We are 15 minutes late.

-       At the end of today’s presentation, we will have a better understanding of lacrimal stent placement (From our discussion today, we will have learned more about lacrimal stent placement).

-       Does anyone have any question at this point? (I will hold a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. Please try to hold you questions until the Q&A session at the end of the presentations).

-       The speakers have 8 minutes to present, which will leave two minutes for discussion. If we have any time at the end, we will have an opportunity for a group discussion.

-       Unfortunately, Dr. B who was expected to be the Co-chairman for this session could not attend the meeting. We are honored, however, to have in his place, Dr. C who is the Director of the Norwegian Institute of XYZ. Unfortunately there has been a slight change in the program, because Dr. A has not arrived. The first speaker will be Dr. B who will talk about ABC.

-       Before we begin, I would like to call you attention to a few changes in the program. Paper No. 6 by Drs. A and B will be presented first and the others will then follow as detailed in the program. Also, Dr. C, the presenter of Paper No. 4 was unable to attend. We will include the paper of Drs. D and E which was Posted No. 30 entitled “__________”

-       Dr. A. I’m sorry, but we have to move on: we’re running short of time (behind schedule). Are you almost finished, Dr. A? Your time is almost over.

-       Excuse me, Dr. A, but your time is up. Will you please briefly summarize the rest of your talk?

-       Since the first three papers are on the same subject, I would like to have the discussion time at the end of the third paper.

-       Now, I will open the floor to questions (The paper is now open for discussion). Are there questions or comments from the floor?

-       Are there any urgent questions? We would appreciate it if you could be brief with your question.

-       We have time for just one more short question (I would like to close with one more question).

-       Could you tell us a bit more about the complications (I’d appreciate it if you would explain your complications more specifically).

-       We will have a 10 minute break now (Now, we have coffee break for 20 minutes).

-       I have been asked to make an announcement. If Dr. A is in the room, please contact the secretariat.

-       I want to thank everyone who has taken part in and contributed to this session.

-       Thank you all, including my co-chair, for participating today. I hope you have learned what you expected to from this session.

-       I thank all the participants for having attended this session and for the honor of having been with you here (I am particularly grateful to those of you who have traveled a great distance to be here with us).

-       Please feel free to contact us through email. You will find our addresses in the syllabus.


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